Consulting in the chemical industry

The German chemical industry is one of the most important chemical producers in the world. Nevertheless, growing populations and increasing stability are making dynamic emerging markets the preferred focus for new production capacities.
Ingenics has supported its renowned customers in the chemical industry for years.
The development of globally standardized processes for managing the increasingly complex industry stands at the center of this support, alongside the equally important consideration of process cost efficiency. The service spectrum ranges from strategic needs assessment and international factory planning to optimization of production and logistics processes across the entire supply chain.
In addition to establishing new production capacities in emerging markets, industrialized markets by contrast are experiencing a shift in demand in favor of innovative high-quality and high-priced chemicals. The importance of chemicals in customer industries will also grow, such as the increased need for special chemicals that contribute to the lightweight design and electromobility of the “car of the future.”
As a competent partner, Ingenics provides support in both general development planning and in the areas of production and logistics with consistent application of lean methods. From analysis and optimization of your working system at the start to increasing material efficiency, planning plant and warehouse logistics, and setting up the entire supply chain, our longstanding knowledge of the automotive industry is certain to offer you significant added value.