Assembly line planning: Are you getting maximal added-value out of each assembly cycle?

By starting with the digital product design, Ingenics can give you the answer to this question – thanks to its experience in assembly line planning; by analyzing, planning and implementing optimized value-added processes throughout your assembly line.
- Feasibility studies
By means of a systematic analysis of your manufacturing structures and a compari-son with your strategies, Ingenics advises your company on the technological organization of your production process and your manufacturing structures. Then together with you, we develop solutions for optimizing the vertical integra-tion of your business, partly based on our benchmarks. - Analysis of factory potentials
Experienced Ingenics consultants will develop the future structure of your plants on the basis of professional analyses and present efficient and detailed scenarios for realizing them. - Production and process planning
From digital planning to final realization of shopfloor improvements, Ingenics ensures the maximum efficiency of all production processes for optimized added-value. - Production-oriented product design
Even the initial product design phase can have a significant influence on your business’ added-value growth. Here too, Ingenics helps you identify product designs which can be efficiently integrated from the very start with your assembly processes. - Cost effectiveness and make-or-buy analysis
After jointly defining your added-value and manufacturing goals, Ingenics helps you by developing clear decision-making criteria for your production process. - Techniques
The goal of each Ingenics assembly line planning project is the cost-effective realization of your assembly line improvements. These planning projects range from the specification of the manufacturing technologies and systems, extend to outsourcing and enhanced production processes, and are completed with dedicated ramp-up support — all of which is organized by Ingenics for you. - Workforce planning
Ingenics can also help you determine an optimal workforce structure for your production operations — using recognized benchmarks for effective shopfloor management.
- Realization planning and implementation
The realization of your production improvements can also be managed by Ingenics in all project phases, including new planning, process optimizations or integration planning. And thanks to Ingenics standardized approach to project management, your value-added process improvements can also be quickly implemented.
Here, your Ingenics consultants provide you with international management skills to realize modern, highly efficient production facilities with advanced materials handling systems and innovative working resources — to ensure the long-term, efficiency of your assembly operations