Qualitative and quantitative labor requirements planning

With a regular, systematic labor requirements plan, you can ensure that your company is able to continue operations and secure its long-term success.
Qualitative and quantitative staff planning means you will have the right number of the right people with the necessary qualifications – at right time and place.
The experts at Ingenics offer decades of project experience in factory and production planning. With the right tools, Ingenics can also actively support your company when it comes to efficient and successful labor requirements planning. The resulting staff structure is made transparent for all the relevant areas.
Based on this requirements plan, your potential can be identified and quantified. Appro-priate measures are then established to achieve this potential over the long term. These include regular audits and inspections using key performance indicators (KPIs). Offering added value, Ingenics will also present you with the optimal organizational structure for your production and administrative departments.
Methods of qualitative and quantitative labor requirements planning
First, basic information is collected and analyzed so that a requirements plan can be developed. This basic data should include relevant information such as the number of units to be produced, the shift pattern, and the number of working days per week and year.
The qualitative perspective takes into account responsibilities concerning work tasks as well as the mental and physical demands on employees. One tool that is used here is a qualification matrix to identify skills and qualification levels.
Furthermore, quantitative staffing needs play an especially important role in labor re-quirements planning – the determination of gross and net staffing needs, among other things. With respect to net staffing needs, a further distinction is made between direct and indirect employees.
The results of the qualitative and quantitative labor requirements plan are documented in the form of job charts, organizational structures, and organizational charts. At the same time, the required staffing needs are monitored over defined periods in a process known as “calendarization”. This breakdown of capacity planning makes it possible to determine in advance which (and how many) employees have to be available in the immediate future, and in what areas of the company.
Appropriate measures are derived from the labor requirements plan so that the company remains sufficiently staffed at all times now and in the future, while also avoiding expensive overstaffing situations. Ingenics actively supports your company with the creation of a structured, clear, and transparent labor requirements plan. This also serves as an early warning system so that you can estimate future developments, identify risks, and introduce new measures where appropriate.