Integrated agile strategy approach
“It was as if humanity had suddenly lost its static organ – a fundamental characteristic, this, of all periods of growth and transition. The old values count no longer, the new not yet.” (Egon Friedell)
Megatrends such as digitization, the need for skilled labor, demographic shift, and climate change are radically changing our world, and at a rapid pace.
Traditional strategic approaches are no longer enough. It is impossible to master exponential developments in five-year cycles. No one today can say with complete confidence and detail how the world will look half a decade from now.
However, acting quickly to keep up with the front-runners almost out of a sense of panic will not secure the future, either. Agility needs a framework!
Our integrated agile strategy approach supports rapid action with the necessary framework.
Even if we are unable to predict the future, we understand that the basic values of consumers are changing dramatically. Increasingly, values such as durability and ownership are giving way to an enthusiasm for innovation and shared use. Against this background, we believe that the perspective on direct customers is often too narrow. It is necessary to understand the entire value chain down to end users – and not just once, but on an ongoing basis.
These developments result in three success factors:
- End-user orientation
- Organizational adaptability
- Speed

Integrated strategy development
Integrated strategy development is based on the four quadrant model by Ken Wilber. Blind spots are avoided by considering four key perspectives: interior, exterior, individual, and collective.
Exterior factors include tasks related to structures procedures, which means it also covers the entire value chain up to the end user. Effective implementation depends on the organization being adaptable. To this end, it is important to work on interior factors such as corporate culture and individual attitude.
Combining these different perspectives results in a full description of areas of action, establishing a framework for implementation.
Agile strategy implementation
The strategic “streams” that are derived from this are put into practice in individual “sprints” within the defined area of activity. Results are tested immediately, ensuring that there is direct feedback from the real world. Any measures that are not fully effective can be immediately identified and modified, maintaining a balance between speed of implementation and a focus on results.
Our services
- Corporate strategy
- Market-entry strategies
- Location strategies/global footprint
- Functional strategy
- Production
- Logistics
- Supply chain
- Industrial engineering