Lean Logistic saves resources and increases flexibility

Lean logistics describes the design of logistic systems where the primary goal is to avoid wasted resources. Another relevant aspect of the lean approach is increasing the flexibility of logistics systems and supply processes. The focus is always on achieving an optimum overall result in logistics systems. To this end, knowledge from the field of lean production is applied to logistics processes, among other things.

Building blocks of the lean logistics approach

To give an example, short and direct paths in supply processes and intra logistics are an important aspect in the optimization of logistics systems, as is the avoidance of multiple handling. High utilization of transportation capacity represents another building block of the lean logistics approach.

Ingenics can support your company on the way to achieving an overall optimum with its experience, methodological expertise, and interdisciplinary knowledge from all areas of business. Many best-practice approaches from lean logistics serve as the basis for an optimized process design.

Initiating the process of “learning to see”

In order to illustrate the need for action to individual companies, it is especially important to create an understanding of how important wasted resources are as a first step. A process of “learning to see” should be initiated, supported not least by staff qualification activities.

To begin, however, Ingenics examines your actual processes using a standardized logistics process analysis. Workshops for defining design processes are another step toward the development of logistics systems. After this, the relevant logistics processes are deallocated. On this basis, appropriate recommendations and an action plan are drafted.

The most important Lean Logistics methods, services, and solutions at a glance

From the standardized logistics process analysis and the morphological analysis of logistics processes to line-back planning and the action plan for implementation — when designing your logistics system using aspects of the lean logistics approach, Ingenics draws on a variety of proven methods. Your supply chain stands to benefit from the following services and solutions:

  • Defining guides as the basis for key decisions in logistics and supply chain management (SCM)
  • Categorizing the range of goods and individual components
  • Defining the optimal procurement and supply strategy for each part category
  • Deriving inventory strategies
  • Determining the necessary space and resources for handling different material flows
  • Developing a block layout using aspects of the lean logistics approach

Also in the area of intra logistics, Ingenics offers a comprehensive range of services and solutions that are tailored to your requirements. These include:

  • Designing an optimal material flow, avoiding multiple handling and waiting times
  • Optimizing labor and capacity utilization with defined process cycles and labor pools
  • Creating process standards as the basis for continuous improvement
  • Increasing efficiency by providing material based on consumption using the best possible choice of container and a pull-oriented control strategy


Ingenics would be pleased to assist you in designing your logistics processes in line with aspects of the lean logistics approach. The goal is always to look at the big picture and find a design for your processes that achieves an overall optimum.

Ingenics can demonstrate the success of this holistic approach with a large number of reference projects.

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